New York Premiere
by William Wise
directed by Steve Rosenfield
with Robert Arcaro, Janet Aspers, Maggie Burke, J. Kenneth Campbell, Mary Daciuk, Greg Giordano, Michael Grodenchik, Earl Hagan Jr., Jonathan Lipnick, Frank Lowe, Spartan McClure, Bill Mitchelson, Robin Polk, Barbara Ramsey, Marisa Redanty, Joel Simon, Nelson Simon, Ron Stetson, Wendy Weill and Daniel Whitner
American Folk Theatre
A detective loses his marriage and career in his compulsive need to solve the murder of three teenage boys in Chicago.
“. . . as urgently directed by Stephen Rosenfeld, written by Wise, designed by Michael C. Smith and performed by Campbell and company, this was one of the most exciting and satisfying evenings of theatre in many a year . . . . The Working Theatre under the direction of Robert Owens is a place to watch.” Victor Gluck, Back Stage, December 12, 1986