Part Time Development Manager: 

Working Theater seeks a part-time Development Manager to join our team! This is a new position and is best suited to an ambitious individual, who is excited to navigate change.  This past 39th season we embarked on a new shared leadership structure which includes a Managing Director and an Artistic Director. The Development Manager is part of a small and mighty part-time support staff that includes a Producer of Artistic Programs and a Marketing and Communication Manager.  This role will help us bolster our existing fundraising efforts from grant writing to donor relations with the goal to increase overall earned and contributed income as we move through our 40th season and beyond.

The Development Manager is a part-time position and will work 15 hours per week. Learn more about the position here and apply here. 


Working Theater is always in need of volunteers! To see if there might be a fitting volunteer opportunity please fill out this form.


We welcome and read all playwright submissions. As a small artistic staff, we don’t have the capacity to provide feedback on scripts that we are not actively producing. For more information on submissions to Working Theater, please visit here


At this time we are not able to accept unsolicited headshots/resumes. Please check Backstage and Actors’ Equity websites for information on season EPAs.