What is a Working Theater Play?

Working Theater is a new American play incubator for work by playwrights which centers the lives of working people, by telling their stories in new and unexpected ways. How do we define “working people”? At Working Theater, we’re a broad church. Is your humanity impacted, affected or transformed by your work? You’re a working person, congratulations! Welcome to Team WT.


What we are looking for:

  • Stories for, about or made with working people, and/or the issues which affect them, in mind.
  • We invite plays which disrupt traditions of “working-class theater.”
  • We want your play to make us laugh, make us cry, and make us feel a little dangerous.
  • Does your play deal with themes of work, labors visible and invisible, labor history? Is your play pro-worker, pro-union or anti-capitalist? It’s probably a play for us.
  • Does your play come at these themes in unexpected and novel ways? It’s probably a play for us.
  • Full-length plays and musicals.


What we are not looking for:

  • We are not interested in stories in which working people are passive victims of an oppressive system.
  • “Issue plays,” issue plays is our least favorite oxymoron – all plays have issues, but we are interested in plays which center people.
  • We are not interested in agit-prop (until you show us an agit-prop play that blows our minds!)
  • We are not interested in clichés about the working class – show us something we’ve never seen before, baby!


If you think this is your play, please complete this short form. If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected]